Camping in Deosai Plains

Pakistan Travel Stories

Camping in Deosai Plains

This is Part Two of our epic Three-Part travel blog series based on Deosai Plains, where we explore camping in Deosai.

Our Deosai Plains mini-travel series will be split into three sections on our YouTube channel.

Part One – The journey into Deosai Plains

Part Two – Camping at Deosai Plains

Part Three – Venturing deep into Deosai Plains and visiting Sheosar Lake

Three Pakistan travel blogs also align with the previous Pakistan travel vlogs.

Part One. Part Two. Part Three.

We have also recently introduced mini-videos on our channel with quick 30-second videos showcasing the scenery to give viewers a feel of the locations we have visited in Pakistan. Part one. Part two. Part three.

Natalie in the tent that we would call home that night

Let’s begin.

Deosai Plains is the stuff of legend, and we were so excited by the fact that we would be camping here. Home to elusive brown bears and is the world’s highest plateau, we just knew that we couldn’t miss out on an opportunity to immerse ourselves in it and go camping in Deosai.

As I mentioned in the previous blog post, our journey had not been easy, but this is Pakistan. A land so shut off from foreign tourism for years due to global issues is a shame, as people haven’t been allowed to experience the wonder of Pakistan. Check out our videos here if you’re still unsure, or maybe just this quick here showcasing a few must-visit areas within Pakistan for that extra push. We also have a blog post covering the top things to see whilst backpacking Pakistan to provide additional nuggets of information you won’t find anywhere else.

Let’s talk camping in Deosai.

The tent set-up within Deosai Plains

We approached the campsite named, we were expecting something like a giant sign or banner, but nope, it’s pretty low-key. Everything is low-key here except the price. We checked in, and the lovely chap showed us our tent and gave us a sneak peek of a couple of others. At this point, the temperature had crashed to about 5 degrees celsius, and the last of the light was about to fade away. It was chilly! Couple that with the high altitude of above 4,000 Metres, and yeah, we were not feeling great, but hey, we’re travelling in Pakistan and tonight, we get to go camping in Deosai. Let’s hope for a star show!

The lovely chap working there showed us to our tent, where we would spend the night at. He kindly offered us the other available tents, which can be seen on the official site.

As we settled in, we noticed how warm the blankets were and how hard the bed was; it was at that moment that we had a lightbulb idea! Don’t place all the blankets on top of you. Lay some underneath to use as support against the hard mattress but not too many, as it will get cold. It will get cold quickly.

That was the second thing we noticed.

We were called for dinner as we set up the go pro to capture the nighttime star show. Dinner set us back around 600 PKR; considering the room rate was over 11,000 PKR, that became reasonable!

At dinner time, we talked with five lovely Pakistanis who were exploring their land. Three were teachers in Islamabad, and the other two were fitness instructors, also based out of Islamabad. We swapped tales of travelling Pakistan and the country’s political situation; the overwhelming support for Imran Khan took us by surprise. Here we were, sitting in Deosai Plains, the temperature was close to zero and native, young Pakistanis were telling us how impressed they were with Imran Khans’ policies and how he is such an advocate for three things in Pakistan: Health, Education and Tourism.

After the in-depth conversations, we all headed off to our rooms. If only the weather weren’t freezing, then we would all have set up outside, but they only put on fire if you pay, and the terms are not favourable. We didn’t feel l; like paying, so we left the go pro to capture the starry night. Maybe we’ll catch a glimpse of a bear too?


The view when you’re camping in Deosai


How to go camping in Deosai Plains, Pakistan

The previous article will guide you on how to reach the Deosai Plains so that you can enjoy a fantastic night among the raw nature of Pakistan, where you’ll fall asleep under a blanket of stars, all the while hearing the roars of the elusive brown bears. Ok, you won’t hear roars, BUT you have a good chance of seeing them if you go camping in Deosai. They are very docile creatures in truth and interact minimally with humans. Brown bears will wander to the top of the campsite when the night sky is at its darkest and then majestically roam off into the ever-expanding hills before dawn.

So, how do you go camping in Deosai? Well, at this time of writing, only one company offers such excursions. We are in no way affiliated with them. They have not sponsored us. I assume they have probably forgotten all about the mixed-race asp[hiring travel bloggers and YouTubers known as Calamity Travels. In fact, before even landing in Skardu, we had no idea you could even go camping in Deosai. It was all a meeting of chance, we met some travellers who sent across some details, and we then happened to meet an associate of the owner, and before you knew it, we were booked to go camping in Deosai!

The company offers many options, and the service was pretty good. The tents were warm, well insulated and comfortable. You can check out our full YouTube video here on what camping in Deosai was like.

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