Top ten places to visit when visiting Skardu

Pakistan Travel Stories

Top ten places to visit when visiting Skardu

Pakistan is an unknown travel destination; where else can you get views like this!

The region of Skardu

In this article, we’ll talk about the top ten things to do whilst visiting Skardu, particularly the Northern mountainous region of Skardu. We also have individual Skardu travel vlogs and individual Skardu travel blogs on each destination in case you want a more in-depth feel.

This list is entirely subjective, and there is a tonne to see whilst visiting Skardu. This list is predominantly focused on the region of Skardu, so maybe ignore the top end of the rankings; it is such a difficult job! Alternatively, watch this video to have more visuals before reading on. Skardu highlights the best sights you’ll experience whilst visiting Skardu!

I initially said there would be ten, but I have an additional one you will not want to miss whilst visiting Skardu. It played a large part in why we undertook this backpacking adventure.

I should add that because this article talks specifically about Skardu, you’ll have to take private car hire to get anywhere. Unfortunately, there are no tourist buses for foreigners (2022), but if Pakistan tourism reaches its potential, then I’m sure that will be addressed sooner rather than later. For a full breakdown of a specific location, click the link under the name. You’ll be forwarded to either the Pakistan Travel vlog or the Pakistan Travel blog, where you’ll find tips for that location for your backpacking Pakistan adventure.

Please note that we have visited all of the locations we rank. If you don’t believe me, click on each site’s name, and you’ll be directed to our YouTube travel channel, where we showcase all of the below destinations and more. There may be links within the synopsis of each location which will refer you to the blog post about that specific location if you’re curious.

Natalie and I are visiting Pakistan.

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


This place is unreal and will take your breath away. This is likely to be a visit on your first day, and it has everything, rivers, mountains, bridges, chai, and you can even order chips here whilst you take in the beautiful views. It’s also a top camping destination within Skardu, Pakistan too! A perfect start to your Skardu trip.

The view if you camp at Soq Valley, Pakistan
Soq Valley, Pakistan, is home to majestic views hence why it sits atop our list

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


Suppose you want serenity whilst ttravelljng to Pakistan (which sometimes can be tough to travel). In that case, you’ll think of the Katpana desert whenever the pace gets too fast so you can slow it down. Remember to stay after dark; you’re in for a treat!

Katpana Lake, Pakistan
The stars of Katpana Desert stole the show
Katpana Desert, Pakistan

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


The way the mountains reflect off of the deep blue lake is unworldly. The views are next level, and the calmness you’ll experience here is unmatched, even when a motorcycle glides behind you at 60KPM on a windy, dusty road. After all, this is Northern Pakistan, and you are on a backpacking trip.

Satpara Lake, Pakistan
Satpara Lake in Skardu sits at the foot of many mountains

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


Speaking of calm lakes, Blind lake is perhaps the hidden gem of Pakistan tourism. Whilst visiting Skardu, you’re not going to want to miss this!

The road to Blind Lake, Pakistan
Natalie and I are chilling at Blind Lake
Blind Lake, Pakistan

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


Yes, it may look like the Peak District in England, which, to be honest, I did think that’s where we were. But once you witness the wildlife of brown bears and marmots amok, coupled with the incredible star gazing at night and the gorgeous Sheoshar lake, you’ll soon realise that you’re not in England. A must when your visiting Skardu.

Driving through the Deosai Plains. Home of rare flowers and wildlife in Pakistan
The wildlife of Deosai Plains situated in Pakistan
The ever-rolling hills of Deosai Plains in Pakistan

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


Khaplu is where this ranking falls apart! Of course, all the places listed are incredible, but Khaplu should not be ranked sixth on any list; my excuse is that because it isn’t really in Skardu, I’ll allow it. Khaplu is a separate city with so much to see, such as visiting the mosques of the Himalayas and the infamous Serena Khaplu Fort. Machlu Valley and Sogha Lake are also great places to visit an hour north of Khaplu. It’s also budget-friendly as you can take a $2 bus to get to Khaplu from Skardu; I hope your journey goes smoother than ours but hey, we are travellng across Pakistan after all! Things seldom go smoothly for us wherever we are, to be fair.

Sailing Bridge, Khaplu in Pakistan
Sogha Lake in Pakistan
Leaving Machlu Valley, a remote part of Northern Pakistan

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


How has Upper Kachura Lake ranked this low!? I’ve no idea. The lake is exceptional, and like many Pakistan lakes, a calmness washes over you as you gaze upon it. The backdrop of mountains, the stillness of the lake. Perfect. Try to take a boat trip on this lake if you can; it’s a soothing experience.

The backdrop of Upper Kachura Lake in Pakistan is straight out of a fairy tale.
Natalie on a boat at Upper Kachura Lake due to the kindness of strangers
Upper Kachura Lake is so photogenic. Photographers, visit Pakistan!

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


Ok, that’s official. These are not accurate rankings because how can this be considered the eighth-best location to visit within Skardu whilst backpacking the Skardu region in Pakistan! Welcome to Manthoka waterfall; you will see images of this plastered all over Skardu. It is a two-hour drive from the city and is between Khaplu and Skardu.

Manthoka Waterfall, Pakistan
Natalie and I under the thunderous Manthoka Waterfall in Pakistan
The treehouses of Manthoka Waterfall, a two-hour drive from Skardu

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


This may be the crown jewel of Skardu and Pakistan tourism. You’ve seen the images, but once you’ve witnessed the other lakes, you may not be into Shangri-la-la Lake as much as you should. Plus, the 1,000PKR cost may be best avoided if you’re backpacking Pakistan as the other lakes are free; even Deosai plains is cheaper (*If you hold Pakistani citizenship!) Check out our visit to Shangri-La Lake to decide for yourself, but please, don’t try the brownies.

Shangri-La Lake, Pakistan
Bird’s eye view of Shangri-La Lake in Pakistan

Top things to do when visiting Skardu.


Now, the drive to Shigar Fort is immense! Honestly, it’s spectacular stuff, but the fort is essentially a museum that lets you touch the artefacts. Welcome to Pakistan, I guess!

Shigar Fort in Pakistan
Shigar fort in Pakistan
Atop on the roof of Shigar Fort in Pakistan


It’s the flight, seriously, don’t take the bus. The flight is incredible and you truly have to do it. It’s a great addition to your Pakistan itinerary and the most time efficieint way to visit Skardu. You glide over the gorgeous mountain ranges of Pakistan and land at an airport in the middle of the mountains! How many of you can honestly say you’ve ever taken such a spectacular journey as this in your lifetime? This experience I often rank as the top thing to do whilst backpacking Pakistan; look at how in awe we are during and after the flight!

Landing at Skardu international airport
Skardu international airport rests amongst the mountains of Pakistan
Fly to Skardu and avoid the bus as you enjoy these fantastic views.


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